College Resources
Here you’ll find both electronic and print resources for getting through the college application process. The websites are annotated, and all of the books listed are in the Milne Library collection and link directly to the catalog. Any questions? Ask us for help!

The College Board administers the SAT and other standardized tests for higher education; their site is an excellent go-to resource for all kinds of test preparation.
This great online learning resource has full practice tests and instructional videos to help you understand and questions that you answered incorrectly.
Powered by Mometrix Test Preparation, this website provides free practice tests and study guides, in addition to other college admissions information. As it is for-profit, they do market some of their test preparation products.
Although this website was created by a private company (may have some biases), it provides a comprehensive college to-do list, from getting good grades to getting on an admissions waitlist. Also has a “Career Interests” quiz to help you narrow down your career interests.
Maintained by the U.S. Department of Education, this robust site assists not only with college planning, but also with career planning in general.
The site with many online, high-quality virtual courses also has a link with a “Master Plan” of what you should do for college planning, starting in ninth grade!
Here you'll find a useful, dependable list of the college application steps to take, in chronological order from a renowned source.
World Higher Education Database
In collaboration with UNESCO, the International Association of Universities developed this extensive database of four-year degree programs found all over the world.
Admission Matters : What Students and Parents Need to Know About Getting into College 2017
Springer, Sally P.
378.161 Spr
College Admissions Cracked: Saving Your Kid (and Yourself) From the Madness 2019
Shulman, Jill Margaret
378.161 Shu
Sawyer, Ethan
378.161 Saw
The Enlightened College Applicant: A New Approach to the Search and Admissions Process 2016
Belasco, Andrew and Bergman, Dave
378.161 Bel
Game On: Why College Admission is Rigged and How to Beat the System 2021
Paterno, Susan F.
378.161 Pat
Get Real and Get in: How to Get Into the College of Your Dreams by Being Your Authentic Self 2021
Legatt, Aviva
378.161 Leg
The Mindful College Applicant: Cultivating Emotional Intelligence for the Admissions Process 2019
Chiu, Belinda H.Y.
378.161 Chi
The Truth About College Admission: A Family Guide to Getting in and Staying Together 2019
Barnard, Brennan and Clark, Rick
378.161 Bar
Valedictorians at the Gate: Standing Out, Getting In, and Staying Sane While Applying to College 2021
Sabky, Becky Munsterer
378.161 Sab
Who Gets In and Why: A Year Inside College Admissions 2020
Selingo, Jeffrey
378.161 Sel
Advice from College Admissions Officers
Six experienced undergraduate admissions officers provide some insightful suggestions about how to approach this very important essay.
Complete Guide to College Application Essays 2020
The Princeton Review 378.161 Pri
Pitch Perfect: How to Write a Successful College Admission Essay 2012
Moynahan, Molly 378.1 Moy
The 386 Best Colleges: In-Depth Profiles & Ranking Lists to Help Find the Right College for You 2021 The Princeton Review 387.73 Bes
The Best Value Colleges: 75 Schools that Give You the Most for Your Money 2020 The Princeton Review 378.73 Pri
Colleges Worth Your Money: A Guide to What America's Top Schools can do for You 2021 Belasco, Andrew Bergman, Dave. Trivette, Michael 378.73 Bel
Four-Year Colleges 2021 Peterson’s 378.72 Pet
American Student Assistance (ASA)
Funded by the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education, includes a hotline and in-person locations you can visit for higher ed financial planning assistance, not to mention tools for helping students make career choices.
Massachusetts Education Finance Authority (MEFA)
Helps families and educators plan for college through savings plans, cost estimators and low-interest loans. Excellent site!
The New England Board of Higher Education’s program, Tuition Break, enables residents of the six New England states to pay less in tuition at many public colleges throughout New England. Visit their site to explore some of the 800 programs Massachusetts residents are eligible for through Tuition Break
The College Board Scholarship Search
In addition to scholarship information, the College Board site rewards high school students for completing the application steps with prize money, in addition to an entry for a $40,000 award towards college - if you complete all of the steps!
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid is administered by the U.S. Department of Education, and provides schools with data about applicants’ financial pictures. You must fill it out to receive aid from any higher education institution by the stated deadline.
Guide to Financial Aid & Scholarships for Black Students -
This guide offers in-depth information in several areas including:
Information on finding and applying for scholarships
A list of scholarships for black students at the undergraduate, graduate, and professional levels
Information on HBCUs and why they're important
A list of scholarships for students wanting to attend an HBCUs
Organizations and resources that are helpful for Black students and students of color
This site provides an interactive tool for comparing colleges using data that shows what schools actually cost the year students expect to enroll. It is managed by The Hechinger Report and powered by the U.S. Department of Education.
Peterson's How to Get Money for College: Financing Your Future Beyond Federal Aid 2021
378.309 Pet
How to Send Your Student to College Without Losing Your Mind or Your Money 2017
Howard, Shellee
378.34 How
Paying for College: Everything you Need to Maximize Financial Aid and Afford College
The Princeton Review, 2020
Chany, Kalman A., Martz, Geoff
378.309 Pri
Lieber, Ron
378.198 Lie
Score College Scholarships: The Student-Athlete's Playbook to Recruiting Success 2018
Dickinson, Laura and Dickinson, Robert A.
378.3409 Dic
The Ultimate Scholarship Book 2019
Tanabe, Glen and Tanabe, Kelly
378.34 Tan V.