Library Policies
Policies establish clear expectations and intentionally define how the library intends to engage with its community and staff. The Board of Library Trustees evaluates and approves these policies to align with the library’s mission, vision, and strategic plan.
We encourage all patrons of the Milne Public Library to review and be familiar with our library policies. Please browse the dropdowns below to learn more.
The David and Joyce Milne Public Library welcomes everyone who wishes to participate in its cultural, recreational, and learning activities. We seek to provide an inclusive environment that cultivates both diversity as well as equity of information.
The Board of Trustees of the David & Joyce Milne Public Library has established the following Patron Behavior Policy so that we may protect our patrons’ right of access to and use of library facilities to the maximum extent possible. We also wish to ensure the safety of our patrons and staff, as well as safeguard our resources and facilities from damage.
The Library staff reserves the right to ask any person to leave the Library when, in the staff’s judgment, that person is exhibiting unlawful, abusive, harassing, threatening or inappropriate behavior or creating a disturbance which interferes with other patrons. Library users who violate this Policy may also be subject to the suspension or revocation of their library privileges, exclusion from the Library and/or legal action. For the comfort and safety of patrons, volunteers, and staff, and the protection of library property, disruptive behavior will not be allowed.
In this effort, we have established the following guidelines:-
Tobacco use, smoking, vaping or using e-cigarettes, consuming alcoholic beverages, or using illegal drugs is strictly prohibited in the library.
Possessing or carrying weapons is not permitted, unless authorized by law.
Patrons cannot play audio equipment so that others can hear.
Patrons cannot bring animals into the library, except those needed to assist the patron with a disability, or animals in service training. See the Service Animal Policy.
Patrons may not talk loudly, make noise, or engage in other disruptive conduct. Patrons should not interfere with another person’s use of the library or with library personnel’s performance of their duties.
Patrons and visitors may not verbally or physically threaten or harass other visitors, library staff or volunteers, including stalking, staring, touching, or using offensive language, and including, but not limited to violence and threats of violence.
Filming of library staff or patrons in restricted non-public areas is strictly prohibited.
Verbal or physical harassment, or assault of patrons or staff, is prohibited.
Destruction or theft of library property or personal property of patrons or staff is not permitted.
Sleeping in the library is prohibited.
Patrons must wear shirts and shoes, and their personal hygiene, body odor, or fragrance must not interfere with the ability of others to use or enjoy the library.
Misusing the restrooms, including using them as a laundry or washing facility, is not allowed.
Parents or caregivers are responsible for the behavior and direct supervision of their children and may not leave children under the age of ten unattended in the library. See the policy for Unattended Children.
No commercial solicitation or canvassing of any kind is permitted at the Library. Also see the Fundraising Policy.
Only covered beverages and neat food consumption are permitted.
The Library Director and staff will act to maintain our patrons’ right of access to and use of library facilities and have the right and authority to address any activity in violation of this policy.
Any patron violating any of the above rules may be denied access to the Library by the Library Director or Director’s designee. Patrons whose privileges have been revoked may apply in writing to have the decision reviewed by the Library Director or the Board of Trustees.
At the discretion of the Library Director and staff, law enforcement personnel may be called upon to ensure public safety in the enforcement of this policy.
Patrons are encouraged to bring any concerns about possible violations of this policy to the attention of Library staff. If a patron feels they have not been treated fairly, they may appeal to the Library Director or the Board of Library Trustees.
Updated by the Board of Trustees
In order to create an environment conducive to reading, study, research and quiet collaboration, the David & Joyce Milne Public Library limits the use of cell phones and other audible electronic devices in the library building.
All library users and staff are expected to respect those who desire quiet to conduct their library activities. When patrons enter the building, all electronic devices are to be set on silent mode.
Users engaging in disruptive cell phone conversations, or who have audible media, in public and staff areas will be asked by library staff to move to one of the designated cell phone friendly areas in the front vestibule or outside.
Adopted by the Board of Trustees on March 10th, 2021.
Patrons applying for the right to use the David & Joyce Milne Public Library agree to comply with all its rules, pay all damages, be responsible for all materials borrowed on their account, and comply with all library circulation policies.
Circulation Periods:
Books, Audio Books, and Music CDs: 21 days
All E-Books and Digital Media: 14 - 21 days
DVDs and Magazines: 7 days (for DVDs - 14 days for 3 or more disc sets)
Chromebooks: In-library use only
One automatic renewal is applied on most items checked out to patrons. Subsequent renewals are at the discretion of the owning library.
Patrons are allowed 50 items checked out on their record at any given time, regardless of format.
Items Owned by the Milne Public Library
For most items owned by the Milne Public Library, there are no late or overdue fines. Patrons can pay other fees by cash or check (made out to “Milne Public Library”) at the library, or by credit or debit card online. To pay online, go to the catalog and login to your patron account.-
Damaged or removed Chromebooks, tablets, or other computers will be subject to a replacement fee of $200.00.
Email reminders are sent out 2 days prior to due dates. Late items two weeks beyond their due date will generate an emailed notice and/or phone call to the patron. Items not returned one month beyond their due date will be billed to the patron for the full replacement fee.
Per CW MARS policy, library patrons with more than $10.00 in fines or fees from any library will be blocked from borrowing materials from any of the C/WMARS libraries until they get their balance under $10.00.
Most materials have a replacement fee that is automatically assessed by the circulation system. This price is based on the retail cost of an item. Patrons must pay the fee directly to the library and MAY NOT purchase the replacement themselves.Reserve and ILL (Interlibrary Loan) Items
Items owned by another library may accrue fines according to the other library’s policies.
The default C/WMARS fines are:
DVDs: $1.00 per day, with a $5.00 maximum fine limit per item
All other materials: $0.10 per day with a $5.00 maximum fine limit per item
ILLs are due on the date specified by the owning library. Items are held for 7 days on the “hold shelf” at the circulation desk. Subsequent renewals after the first are at the discretion of the owning library.
Replacement fees for ILL items will be determined and should be paid directly to the owning library. Patrons should contact the owning library directly to arrange payment.
Incomplete/Missing Parts of Items Returned to the Library
If an item is missing some parts when it is returned, then the item will be immediately renewed to the current borrowing patron, remaining their responsibility. The patron will be called and notified about the missing part. The incomplete item will be put on the library’s “problem shelf” and only checked in once it is complete.
Our staff is required to open and check the contents of all items being loaned out to patrons to make sure the item is complete. This check is also performed on items being returned.
The Thingdom is our lending library of things. The David & Joyce Milne Public Library’s Thingdom offers an extensive collection of miscellany such as equipment, experience passes to museums and attractions, tools, technology, games, and other specialty items to check out for free. These items help support the library’s mission to provide a variety of information and materials to support curiosity, free inquiry, and life-long learning. The Thingdom acquisitions follow the David & Joyce Milne Public Library’s Collection Development and Donations Policy.
Thingdom Borrower Criteria:
To borrow from the Milne Public Library’s Thingdom collection, a patron must have a CW MARS library card in good standing.
Thingdom items are intended for check out and take home use.
Patrons are permitted to check out a maximum of five items concurrently from this collection.
Due to safety concerns, some items are only available to patrons 18 and older and require a Thingdom Informed Consent Form. Those items will be identified on the item itself and in the library catalog. For those items, the patron must review the Thingdom Policy and sign the attached Consent Form. Once signed, a note will be added to the patron’s record indicating consent and the Consent Form will be kept on file.
By taking possession of any item, the patron is certifying that they are capable of using the item in a safe and appropriate manner. Not all items are suitable or safe for all patrons. Responsibility for a child’s use of an item rests with the parent or guardian.
The patron who borrows the item is responsible for the item.
The patron agrees that the library is not responsible for any manufacturing defects in quality of workmanship or materials inherent in any borrowed items.
The patron agrees that if any item becomes unsafe or in a state of disrepair, they will immediately discontinue use of the item and notify library staff.
The patron agrees not to modify or tamper with hardware or software settings established by Milne Public Library on applicable items.
Thingdom loan periods vary by item however the majority of items circulate for one week.
There will be no renewals allowed for Thingdom items due to high demand.
Thingdom items will not be shared via delivery with other libraries. All items are borrowed from and returned directly to the Milne Public Library.
Thingdom items need to be returned to the Circulation Desk during the library’s open hours. Some items may take 24-48 hours to check in from your account.
All items must be returned in the same condition as issued, barring normal wear and tear.
The patron agrees to pay for the loss or theft of or damage to any item and further agrees to accept the library’s assessment of condition and assessment of fair restitution for damage, dirtiness, delinquency, and/or loss of items in part or in total. This restitution amount could equal up to the full replacement cost of the item.
The library reserves the right to refuse the loan of any item at its discretion.
The Thingdom collection contains some items intended for use by patrons aged 18 or over due to safety concerns. Not all things are suitable or safe for all patrons. Responsibility for a child’s use of an item rests with the parent or guardian. Out of respect for future users, please inspect all borrowed items before return and ensure
they are returned in the condition in which they were borrowed. Please immediately report any damage to library staff.
I, _____________________________________________ (print name), state that:-
I have read The Thingdom Lending Policy and confirm that I can adhere to each of the clauses.
I am capable and experienced in using the items I am borrowing, and that I will use the items in a proper manner.
I do hereby for myself, on behalf of my successors and assigns, in consideration of being permitted to borrow items, waive any and all claims against the David & Joyce Milne Public Library, the Town of Williamstown, its officers, agents, and employees for any injury or injuries of any nature that I may suffer or incur in the use of the items that I am borrowing from the David & Joyce Milne Public Library.
I do hereby for myself, on behalf of my successors and assigns, in consideration of being permitted to borrow items, agree to release and indemnify and hold harmless the David & Joyce Milne Public Library, the Town of Williamstown, its officers, agents and employees from any and all liability, loss, claims, and demands, actions or causes of action for the death or injury to any persons and for any property damage suffered or incurred by any person which arises or may arise or be occasioned in any way from the use of items I am borrowing from the David & Joyce Milne Public Library. I am aware that the David & Joyce Milne Public Library, its partners, directors, officers, members, and employees claim no expertise and make no representation concerning the fitness of any item for any particular use.
I understand that one or more items I am checking out may have a replacement value of $100 or more (where applicable). Items costing more than $100 will be labeled with replacement cost details.
I am 18 years old or older.
I affirm that the above information is current, true and correct and may be subject to verification. I further state that I have read and fully understand the rules and regulations of the David & Joyce Milne Public Library and I understand that failure to comply with any of these rules may result in revocation of my borrowing privileges and/or legal action against me. I have read and signed an Informed Consent form, relinquishing any and all claims against the David & Joyce Milne Public Library, the Town of Williamstown, its officers, agents, and employees.
Print Name
Library Card #
______________________________________________________________________For Staff Use Only:
Staff Initials Processing Liability Waiver __________ Date __________
Staff Initials Updating Patron Record with Waiver Consent __________ Date
Adopted 11-Sept-2024-
Please note: we require that exhibitors sign our exhibit policy.
The Milne Library welcomes the opportunity to allow community groups and individuals to use the various display and exhibit areas in the building, as part of its mission to provide a wide range of information and materials, and to encourage and support the civic, intellectual, and cultural pursuits of the community. Space is provided for displays of an educational, cultural, intellectual, charitable, or recreational nature, and for exhibiting works of area artists and craftspeople. Display areas may also be used for materials from the library’s collection, or to publicize library services, collections, or activities.
Exhibit areas are available on an equitable basis regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use. The library endeavors to present a broad spectrum of opinion and viewpoints. The library does not endorse content nor imply agreement or disagreement with beliefs or viewpoints expressed in the exhibits or displays. The library does not accept responsibility for ensuring that all points of view are represented in any single display.
The Milne Library reserves the right to determine at its sole discretion what materials will be displayed as well as scheduling, duration, and assignment of display spaces. The library has the right to review the materials in advance. The library’s decision on what will be displayed in its exhibit spaces shall be final.
All display spaces within the library are open to adults and children of all ages and sensibilities. Exhibit areas may also be passageways for employees and for members of the public of all ages to reach some library services. Therefore, displays should be appropriate in scale, material, form, and content for the library environment. For example, the library discourages material containing images that include significant elements of sexually explicit imagery or graphic depictions of violence. In general, the library does not accept exhibits of a purely commercial nature, unless they have a special educational, informational, or cultural value to the community. Materials advocating a particular vote on a candidate or ballot proposition may not be exhibited. The library reserves the right to remove any item from an exhibition or display on the above grounds or if the exhibition is a possible safety hazard, is too large or otherwise inappropriate for the display space, creates a maintenance problem, exceeds acceptable noise and light levels, or interferes with the public service or other activities in adjacent library areas. If the exhibit contains elements that may be of concern under this policy, the exhibitor should discuss it with the library’s representative in advance of the installation date.
Exhibit Guidelines
Exhibit space must be reserved in advance.
All materials are displayed at the exhibitor’s own risk.
The exhibitor is responsible for installing and labeling the exhibit on the agreed upon date.
The exhibitor shall remove the exhibit promptly on the agreed upon date.
All displays/exhibits must be set up and removed with as little interference as possible to the daily operations of the library. Once the exhibit is installed, changes may be made only with library approval.
The library has the right to remove exhibit materials if they aren’t picked up by the agreed upon date.
The exhibitor must be identified by name within the display.
No fees are charged for display spaces. Groups using display spaces may not charge an admission fee or request donations.
The library shall not be responsible for handling any money from the sale of items displayed. Exhibitors who desire to sell items shall include as part of their displays information on how to purchase items. Any items sold during a display period shall remain on display until all items are scheduled to be removed. If a purchaser wishes to take an item before the end of the display period, the item must be immediately replaced by the exhibitor so as not to leave exposed hanging wires and empty spaces.
Pricing can be attached to displays or on a price list.
The exhibit areas are open to the public only during the regular open hours of the library unless by special arrangement.
Artist receptions are permitted during library hours. The artist is responsible for set-up and clean-up. If alcohol or other intoxicants are being served, permission must be approved by the board of trustees one month prior at a regularly scheduled trustee meeting.
Damages to the premises, equipment, or furnishings as a result of exhibitor use will be charged to the individual or group responsible.
Nothing may be affixed to the exhibition wall using tape, adhesive putty, command strip, or any other such product. Exhibit materials must be hung using the hanging wires and hooks provided.
Requests for Reconsideration of Materials
Although exhibition materials are carefully selected, there can arise differences of opinion regarding the suitability of some items. Patrons requesting that items be withdrawn from or restricted/reclassified (e.g. labeling for adults) within an exhibit may complete a "Reconsideration of Library Materials Form" which is available in the library and on the website. The form will be given to the Director for a decision. If the patron so desires, it will be placed on the agenda of the next regular meeting of the Library Board of Trustees for further review.
Bulletin Board
As space allows, the library will post notices on the lobby bulletin board and/or put out pamphlets that generally fall into one of the following categories:
Non-profit: The event advertised may have a charge, but no profits are gained. It is not for a commercial enterprise.
Educational: Functions for public and private schools, home school groups, and non-profit groups supporting education.
Cultural: Cultural, non-profit groups or events.
Civic: Notices for events sponsored by local government or civic groups that are of cultural or educational interest.
In all cases, preference will be given to:-
Library sponsored events and affiliated groups, such as the Friends of the
Library. Other bulletin boards within the library proper are reserved for library postings.
Beyond library events, “non-partisan” local/community information and Town events.
Community Interest Groups, Childcare, Classes
All postings and pamphlets must be submitted to Library staff at the Circulation Desk and will be dated and posted as soon as possible and as space allows (evaluated on an ongoing process). Placement of posters is based on space available, time of the event, and the length of time the library has had the material. Generally, no posting will remain on the bulletin board for more than 30 days. As space allows postings larger than 8 1⁄2” x 11” may be displayed on a rotating basis.
The library reserves the right to refuse to post and the right to remove announcements, posters, displays, and pamphlets or exhibits which in its judgment do not meet the above criteria. The library assumes no responsibility for the preservation of the material and may be removed and disposed of by the library staff as needed.Acceptance of materials for display does not imply approval or disapproval by the library of the ideas or opinions expressed. The library assumes no liability for the quality or safety of any goods or services, which may be the subject of postings, displays or pamphlets.
Adopted June 14th, 2023Updated with Bulletin Board Policy on June 18th, 2024
The David and Joyce Milne Public Library encourages and appreciates private support of the library. Private support allows the library to expand its scope and reach to provide a wonderful diversity of materials and programs to the community. To ensure that all gifts are appropriate to the library's mission, the following guidelines have been adopted:
The library will determine its ability to accept each gift.
Monetary donations to the library can be sent via the Director's Office. Donations can also be directed to the Milne Library Trustees Annual Fund or to the Friends of the Milne Public Library, both of which support core library missions.
Monetary donations to the library can be sent by check to the Director's Office. Checks should be written to "Milne Public Library". Donations via credit card can be made online on the town's website ( via the payment portal.
The library selectively accepts gifts of books, periodicals, audio and video recordings, and other materials for public use. Gifts to the library are judged on the same criteria as purchased material, according to the collection development policy. The library reserves the rights of sale or disposal of materials which are not added to the collection, and some items may be given to the Friends of the Library for resale. The library is unable to house and promote a substantial special collection.
Gifts may be refused if an expenditure of library funds and/or staff time is necessary to make the gift usable. The library does not guarantee the purchase of specifically identified titles with such funds. Donors are encouraged to recommend subject areas if desired, but do not have the right of approval of titles before purchase.
If requested, the library will identify memorial or "in honor" gifts by means of a special bookplate that names both the donor (or organization) and the person (or organization) in whose memory or honor the item is given. Programs and services made possible by gift funds will include recognition of such benefactors in the supporting literature. The library will acknowledge each gift with a letter to the donor.
The library no longer allows memorial plantings on the property.
Any restrictions on gifts must be submitted in writing and approved by the director. Restricted monetary gifts will be accepted on the condition that the specific use requested is consistent with the mission, vision and values of the library.
Responsibility for the appraisal or estimation of the value of gift donations lies with the donor. The library will not assess or suggest a value for non-monetary gifts for income tax or other purposes; any letter of acknowledgement will not contain a statement of value.
All money or property received by gift or bequest for the library shall be administered by the board in accordance with the provisions of such gift or bequest.
For donations valued at $5,000 or more, the donor's intent for the gift must be outlined in a written donor letter of intent signed by the donor and the director, and if applicable the chair of the library trustees. A sample donor letter of intent is attached below.
On (Date), (Funder) paid to the Town of Williamstown the amount of (amount). This donation is intended to be used (purpose). The Town may spend both the original principle as well as any interest that the funds may accrue while invested in a separate account (or otherwise direct, i.e. interest only). Release of funds for the intended purpose will be after the review and approval by (Approving Authority). This fund will also be available for additional donations subject to the same terms and conditions of the original donation.
If the balance in the fund remains less than $100 for a period of six months, such balance can be used for (process to clear that is regularly spendable).
Adopted by the Board of Trustees - 02/11/22
The Milne Public Library is a public resource and an active center for the community. Groups wishing to use library space or grounds in order to conduct raffles or other fundraising activities must adhere to the following policy.
Williamstown civic or nonprofit groups can use the library to conduct raffles or other fundraising activities. This may include groups directly connected to the Williamstown town government or nonprofit organizations that are directly and exclusively associated with the Williamstown community (e.g. the Williamstown Garden Club, Rural Lands Foundation, or the Williamstown Historical Society).
The David & Joyce Milne Public Library Board of Trustees will be the sole arbiter of what constitutes an appropriate group for purposes of this policy.
All requests to use the library for fundraising activities and raffles are subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees. These requests should be made in person at a regular meeting of the board well in advance of their anticipated start.
The library will limit the number of fundraising activities (including raffles and collection jars) to one, consisting of a single collection jar or sale on library premises at any one time. Preference for fundraising activities will be on a first-come, first-served basis.
The length of time for the fundraising event will be approved by the Board of Trustees and can be modified by the board at any time.
All children under 18 years of age that are fundraising in the library building or on library grounds need to be accompanied by an adult.
Adopted May 3, 2023-
The Milne Public Library provides access to the Internet in keeping with its role as a source of information, intellectual development, and enrichment to the community.
The library does not monitor and has no control over the information accessed and cannot be held responsible for the content or quality of the information retrieved on the public computers. The computers are available for educational, informational, and recreational use only.
Users are advised that the library is not responsible for any use or misuse of data transmitted on library computers or Internet connections. It is the responsibility of guardians to monitor and provide guidance to ensure that their child uses the Internet in an appropriate and safe manner. The library recommends education of its users about the Internet for the success of this information resource.
The Milne Public Library does not filter, censor, or otherwise block any information accessible through the Internet, and does not utilize any software to these means.
Violators of this policy may have their library privileges revoked at the discretion of library director.
Rules for Internet and Computer Usage
Computer usage is limited to two hours per session and are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Guardians of minors must assume responsibility for their children’s use of the Internet and public access computers.
Printouts cost $0.10 per page and are accessed through the printing station. Printing is limited to 50 sheets of paper.
Only one user is allowed at a computer at a time, unless the librarian grants permission.
Unacceptable Uses of the Internet
The library strives to balance the rights of patrons to access all types of information resources with the rights of patrons and staff to work in a public setting free from disruptive sounds and visuals. Patrons are reminded that the library’s computer terminals are located in public areas which are shared with library users and staff of all ages, backgrounds and sensibilities. Individuals are expected to consider this diversity and respect the sensibilities of others when accessing potentially offensive information or images. The following uses are forbidden on library Internet connections:
Harassment of others
Destruction of equipment, software, or data
Copying of copyright-protected materials
Accessing any material that violates local, state, or federal laws or regulations
Accessing pornographic or graphic violent material
Children’s Internet Use Policy
The Milne Public Library provides the same access to the Internet for children and adults. Children under the age of 12 are strongly advised to use the children’s room computer. It is not possible for library staff to control specific information children may locate on the Internet. Just as we do not vouch for or endorse certain viewpoints in our written collection, we cannot be held responsible for exposure to particular electronic information. We will make every attempt to educate and inform children through informal instruction, draw attention to informational sites through lists, and monitor use but the ultimate responsibility belongs to each child’s guardian.
Statement on Copyrighted Materials
U.S. copyright law prohibits the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of copyrighted materials, except as permitted by the principles of "fair use". Users may not copy or distribute electronic materials (including electronic mail, text, images, programs or data) without the explicit permission of the copyright holder. The library expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility arising from access to or use of information obtained through its electronic information systems, or any consequences thereof.
The Milne Public Library is guided by the following American Library Association statements on access to information:
Access to Library Resources and Services for Minors: An Interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights
Adopted 10/14/20
Policies Governing Use of Meeting Room
In accordance with the ALA Bill of Rights, which assures that the resources of the David & Joyce Milne Public Library are made available on an equitable basis regardless of the benefits or affiliations of the individuals requesting their use, the meeting facilities of the public library are available on a first-come-first-serve basis, provided that such meetings do not conflict with library-sponsored programs and that they conform to the guidelines outlined below.
Description of Meeting RoomsThe main meeting room can hold up to 40 people maximum for a lecture or presentation, although the room is very full with that many people present. The room contains fifty chairs on a holder, a large table, a projection screen, and a white board. The windows can be darkened for AV presentations.
The Community Room, outside the main meeting room, is suitable for informal social gatherings or a somewhat larger audience than can be accommodated by the main meeting room - approximately 60 people. The meeting room chairs are available for use in the Community Room and additional chairs are available in storage.The Board Room is also available. It contains a large board table which seats eight to ten, a white board, and can hold about 25 people seated in all.
Accessible bathrooms are available for use in the hall outside the Community Room.
The outside courtyard pavilion is available for reservation with a maximum capacity of 15 people. In addition to this policy, pavilion users should remember that they are also subject to all applicable town rules and regulations, especially concerning noise levels.
Charges for Room UseNo fees will be charged for the use of the meeting rooms. No fees can be collected for attendance of the meetings therein. Donations can be accepted with prior approval, but cannot be required.
EligibilityMeeting spaces at the David & Joyce Milne Public Library shall be denied to groups and/or individuals:
Requesting spaces for the purpose of private social functions.
Whose use of library spaces is exclusively for financial gain.
Comprised solely of youth 10 and under, unless accompanied by an adult 18 years or older.
The library permits reservations for a series of meetings and can serve as a regular meeting place for organizations. However, organizations must first consult with the Library Director or Assistant Director to discuss arrangements. Please note that library programs take precedence, and recurring meetings may occasionally need to be rescheduled.
Who fail to abide by this and other policies, rules, and regulations pertaining to the use of the David & Joyce Milne Public Library.
Available TimeAt this time, meetings must be scheduled for time periods during the library’s open hours, and must be concluded thirty minutes before the library is scheduled to close to allow sufficient time for the staff lock-up procedures to be executed.
Advance BookingsBecause library rooms are in demand, advanced reservations are encouraged.
CancellationsCancellations should be made as soon as possible, once a decision is made, communicated to the Assistant Library Director or library front desk.
Endorsement DisclaimerPermission for a group to meet at the library does not in any way constitute or imply an endorsement of the group, its policies, beliefs, or program by any library official or by the Board of Library Trustees.
LiabilityThe approval to use the library meeting facility carries with it a delegation of responsibility for the facilities used. The person who submits the reservation request form assumes the responsibility for any violations, accidents, or damages which may occur to the building or equipment. The library does not assume responsibility for children while parents participate in library programs or other activities in the library meeting rooms. Parents are liable for all damages done by their children to the library facility. Groups using the meeting room must ensure that there is adequate supervision of children. The signer will be held responsible for payment for all repairs which must be made as a result of any damages. Accidents or damages that occur during the use of a library meeting room must be reported to the Library Director or designee within 24 hours.
Audio-Visual EquipmentA TV screen, equipped with HDMI connections and adapters for Mac devices, is available for everyone's use. The meeting room is also equipped with a projector and display system. Reservations must be made in advance for this equipment, and signer should be familiar with the operation of the requested equipment in advance of the meeting. Library staff will assist users with the proper operation of the AV equipment in advance of the meeting, but will not serve as technical advisers during any meetings.
Set-up and Clean-upThe signer is responsible for setting up any meeting room to their requirements, and also for any cleaning up necessary. After any meeting, rooms must be cleared of all litter and chairs returned to their storage rack.
RefreshmentsLight refreshments may be served in the meeting rooms. The signer is responsible for supplying all consumables and necessary supplies for providing refreshments. The signer or their representative will be responsible for removing all foodstuffs and related materials after a meeting is over.
Serving alcohol for meetings or events held at the library requires prior approval by both the Board of Trustees and then the Town of Williamstown. Trustees meet regularly once a month. Smoking is not permitted anywhere in the public library.
StorageNo storage facilities are provided for supplies or equipment. A refrigerator is available for short term storage immediately prior to an event.
AppealsThe Board of Trustees may grant permission for the use of the library meeting facilities to any group or individual who does not meet the qualifications set forth in this policy. Facility use requests that have been denied in accordance with this policy may be referred to the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees for appeal.
Requests for Reconsideration of Materials
Although all users of the meeting room must follow this policy, there can arise differences of opinion regarding the suitability of some uses. Patrons requesting that a meeting be reconsidered or restricted (e.g. to adults only) may complete a "Reconsideration of Library Materials Form" which is available in the library and on the website. The form will be given to the Director for a decision. If the patron so desires, it will be placed on the agenda of the next regular meeting of the Library Board of Trustees for further review.
Adopted February 12, 2025-
Any member of the public is free for anyone to visit the Milne Public Library, browse materials, view the artwork and attend programs. The library does however charge out-of-state residents a user fee for borrowing materials. The fee is for one year from the time of registration.
Exceptions to this policy include teachers, staff, students, and other community members at the following Williamstown schools:
Williams College
Mt. Greylock Regional High School
Buxton School
Pine Cobble School
Williamstown Elementary School
Williamstown Community Preschool
Teachers/staff receive one card only in their name.
Town employees that live out of state are also exempt.
Library cards should only be used by the cardholder. Parents or other family members are not able to use it to borrow items for themselves. Parents would need to pay for a family card to borrow.
$35.00 per family – this includes single individuals and couples, each member can get a card.
$17.00 for senior citizens (65 years and older) – for a single senior or a senior couple, each member can get a card.
You can pay your fee online through the town of Williamstown's website, using this library donations web link. In the notes field, write "OUT OF STATE FEE"
The official CWMARS policy regarding OOS patrons is that each library being used by the OOS patron may charge an OOS fee. Each library can decide if they will serve OOS patrons and what their fee will be. Each library’s policy can be different within CWMARS.
Updated by the Board of Trustees
The David and Joyce Milne Public Library welcomes everyone who is using the Library, enjoying the library grounds, using the internet through the library Wi-Fi, or attending a program to use the parking lot.
To maintain safety:
Park on the asphalt within the lined spaces - do not “double park”
Never park on the grass or anywhere except designated parking spaces
No parking in handicapped spaces without a valid issued permit
When parking, leave ample room for vehicles to enter or exit the parking lot.
No overnight parking is allowed as posted
The parking lot should not be used for non-library purposes unless approved by the Director
Animals and children should not be left in vehicles
The Library does not at any time or under any condition assume any responsibility for damage to or theft of any vehicle in the parking lot or for personal injury, from any cause whatsoever, to any person or persons utilizing the lot.
Anyone violating these rules, or engaging in any unlawful activity on Library premises, will be subject to Police action.
Adopted by the Board of Trustees May 12th, 2021
The Milne Public Library strives to protect the privacy of its patrons and guests, in accordance with both Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 78, Section 7 and with the American Library Association’s Code of Ethics,
Article 3, which states: “We protect each library user's right to privacy and confidentiality with respect to information sought or received and resources consulted, borrowed, acquired or transmitted.”
Library records subject to this policy include:-
Information an individual provides in order to be eligible to use library services or borrow materials
Information that identifies an individual as having requested or obtained specific materials or materials on a specific subject
Information that is provided by an individual to enable staff to assist in answering a query or finding a particular library resource
The library keeps no permanent record or history of the use or “checking out” of physical resources, including books, after the item has been returned. The library keeps no permanent record of internet sites visited,
online resources used, or searches performed by patrons. Library records including books currently checked out, bills due, and holds placed, are protected by law and library policy.
When using the library’s services, including online services, patrons may be required to provide their name, e-mail address, library card number, phone number, and/or home address. This information will only be used to fulfill
patrons’ service needs and to help the library improve and target its services effectively. Patrons’ personal information will be discarded when it is no longer needed.
The Milne Library is a member of the CW MARS network ( which provides the library’s catalog, circulation system, and some online resources. Circulation, borrower registration, and usagerecords are managed by CW MARS and the library also observes their privacy policy.
Library records shall not be made available to any government agency, to any organization, or to another individual, except as pursuant to the following:-
For patrons younger than 10 years of age, a parent or legal guardian may request information about titles checked out, holds placed, and money due. Guardians may be required to provide identification to get this information.
The library allows you to designate individuals to pick up your holds and/or to borrow materials on your behalf, at your explicit request. These individuals will need to have access to some of your information.
In the case of a valid order, subpoena, or warrant, the library may be required to share your information with the relevant authorities. No confidential information on library patrons will be shared without presentation of a subpoena or search warrant.
For library administrative purposes, patron record information is available to the Board of Trustees members and employees of the library for use in the ordinary conduct of library business. Information may be shared with individuals and corporations outside the library, such as automation vendors in the normal course of database creation and management or agencies utilized in the collection of overdue materials and outstanding fees.
The library does not provide patron information for commercial uses.
Adopted May 3, 2023-
Purpose of the Programming Policy
This policy outlines the objectives and extent of programming carried out directly by the Milne Public Library or on its behalf. The Milne Library provides free and open access to services, resources, and programming that embraces diverse viewpoints, fosters open exploration, and upholds the rights of every library patron. Our programming is purposeful, considerate, and guided by our policies, mission, vision, and strategic goals. We strongly advocate for intellectual freedom and resist any form of censorship.
Definition and Scope
Programs are defined as any group activity offered to the public that library staff have coordinated, planned, and/or presented, whether offered in or out of the library. Program focus areas include, but are not limited to literature, arts, culture, science, technology, crafts and maker programs, education, health, and community issues. Programs raise the library’s profile in the community and have a positive impact on library use.
Library staff may use, but are not limited to, the following criteria in program planning:
Relation to library mission and goals
Community needs and interests
Presenter background/qualifications/reputation
Presentation quality and treatment of content for intended audience
Budget and staffing considerations
Connection to other community programs, events, exhibits, as well as collaborative partnerships
Availability of program space and library scheduling conflicts
This program policy does not apply to:
Programs offered by other organizations on library premises where space is booked under the eligibility and guidelines of the Meeting Room Policy.
Policy Guidelines
The library will offer a diverse range of programs and events to reflect the needs and interests of the community.
Program selection and planning will consider the library’s commitment to intellectual freedom, ensuring that programs address a variety of perspectives on a given topic.
Library staff will fully vet professional qualifications and references of program presenters and performers.
Programs sponsored by the library shall be designed to appeal to a broad range of ages, tastes, and interests. Some programs geared to specific interests and developmental stages may be restricted by the target audience. Programs targeted toward specific audiences shall be publicized as such.
Every attempt will be made to include all who wish to attend a program. However, when safety or the success of the program requires it, attendance may be limited. When limits must be established, registration will be required and may be restricted by residency. Attendance at programs not requiring pre-registration will be determined on a first come, first served basis.
The library may photograph attendees of library programs for use in library marketing materials and will notify attendees when doing so, allowing patrons the option to decline participation.
Any presenter or programmer wishing to take photos for business purposes must announce their intentions in advance, allowing patrons the option to decline participation.
Attendees of the program must follow both the Patron Behavior policy and the policy regarding Unattended Children.
Programs that support or oppose any political candidate or ballot measure will not be approved or offered by the library. However, educational programs, such as candidate forums that include invitations to all recognized candidates may be offered at the discretion of the library.
The purpose of programs may not be purely commercial or for the solicitation of business. The presenter may leave business cards for participants to pick up after the program should anyone be interested in purchasing items or services from the presenter.
In the event of a complaint or challenge regarding a library program, the Milne Public Library will follow the Library’s Request for Reconsideration of Materials or Services (see below).
Decisions concerning an event’s audience, registration, capacity, late arrivals, and allowable walk-ins will be made by the library staff supervising the event.
The Milne Public Library encourages community members to provide suggestions and feedback for library programs and events. Suggestions for library programming will be evaluated based on their alignment with the library’s mission, vision, strategic plan, community interests, capacity, and intellection freedom principles.
The library welcomes partnerships and collaborations with community organizations, experts, and individuals to enhance the quality and diversity of programming.
Library sponsorship of a program does not constitute or imply an endorsement of its policies, beliefs, or program by any library personnel or by the Milne Public Library.
Requests for Reconsideration of Materials or Services
Although programs are carefully selected and prepared, there can arise differences of opinion regarding the suitability of some events. Patrons requesting that programs be canceled or restricted/reclassified (e.g. labeling for adults only) may complete a "Reconsideration of Library Materials Form". These requests must be made at least two full weeks in advance of any scheduled program to allow for time to receive and consider the request. The form will be given to the Director for a decision. If the patron so desires, it will be placed on the agenda of the next regular meeting of the Library Board of Trustees for further review.
Adopted by the Board of Trustees - 07/10/2024
The David and Joyce Milne Public Library welcomes everyone who wishes to participate in its cultural, recreational, and learning activities.
The Board of Trustees of the David & Joyce Milne Public Library has established the following Service Animal Policy so that we may protect our patrons’ right of access to and use of library facilities to the maximum extent possible, and in a manner consistent with state and federal disability laws. We also wish to ensure the safety of our patrons and staff, as well as to safeguard our resources and facilities from damage.
To that end, only “service animals,” as that term is defined by Massachusetts Service Animal laws and the Americans With Disabilities Act (“ADA”), are permitted in the library. Other animals not defined as service animals according to these laws, including emotional support animals, comfort animals, and therapy dogs, are prohibited from entering the building.
Massachusetts disability rights law and the ADA require state and local governments, including public libraries, to permit service animals to accompany persons with disabilities anywhere that members of the public are allowed to go. Subject to the provisions of this policy, the David and Joyce Milne Public Library allows service animals in its facilities and at all programs and activities.
Legal Definition of Service Animal
Under the ADA, a “service animal” is a “dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability.” The work or task performed by a service dog must be directly related to the individual’s disability.
Examples include, but are not limited to, guide dogs that help those who are blind or visually impaired to navigate safely, hearing dogs that notify those who are Deaf or hard of hearing of important sounds, alert dogs that remind their handlers to take medication or let their handler know of an impending seizure, or service dogs that retrieve dropped items for an individual with limited mobility.
While emotional support animals or comfort animals are often used as part of a medical treatment plan as therapy animals, they are not considered service animals under the ADA and Massachusetts General Law and are not allowed in the David and Joyce Milne Public Library. These support animals provide companionship, relieve loneliness, and sometimes assist individuals with depression, anxiety, and certain phobias, but they do not have specialized training to perform tasks for people with disabilities and are not covered by federal or Massachusetts law protecting the use of service animals in public places.A letter stating that a person needs the animal for emotional support does not change the animal’s status into a service animal.
Species of Service Animals Permitted
Under Title II and III of the ADA, service animals are limited to dogs. Other species of animals, whether wild or domestic, trained or untrained, are not considered service animals. However, entities must make reasonable modifications in policies to allow individuals with disabilities to use miniature horses if they have been individually trained to do work or perform tasks for individuals with disabilities.
Permission and Proof
Individuals accompanied by service animals or service animals in-training must be permitted to enter and use public premises in the same way as any other member of the public. They cannot be required to furnish proof that their animal is a service animal and do not need to obtain permission in advance of visiting the library. If a staff member is unsure whether or not an animal is a service animal, or if it is not obvious what service an animal provides to the individual, a staff member is allowed to ask the following two questions:
Is the animal a service animal required because of a disability?
What task or service is the animal trained to perform?
Further, there is no specific training requirement, certification, registration, harness, or vest required of a service animal to gain access to any public place.
Staff of the library cannot ask any questions about the person’s disability, cannot require medical documentation, cannot require a special identification card or training documentation for the animal, and cannot ask that the animal demonstrate its ability to perform the work or task.
Expectations and Responsibilities of Service Animal Handlers
Patrons with service animals have the responsibility of ensuring the safety of their animal and that the service animal behaves appropriately in public. All service animals must remain close to and under the control of the owner/handler at all times while in the library and must not be allowed to act in a disruptive or aggressive manner (including sniffing people or their belongings, initiating contact without the owner’s permission, jumping, barking, or growling).
A patron may be asked to remove their animal if:
The animal is not a service dog.
The answer is “no” to the question, “Is the animal a service animal required because of a disability?” If the animal is a service animal in-training, however, it must be permitted to remain on the premises.
The patron provides an insufficient answer to the question, “What work or task has the animal been trained to perform?” An example of an insufficient answer would be, “It is my therapy (or comfort) dog.”
The service animal is out of control and the animal’s handler does not take effective action to control it.
The animal is not housebroken.
The animal poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others.
The animal would cause substantial physical damage to library property or the property of others.
Please note that the owner/handler of the service animal is responsible for any harm or damage that the animal causes to any person or property.
Patrons are welcome to return to the library without the animal.
Exceptions for Library Programming
The library may choose to host programs that include the presence of an animal or multiple animals that are not defined as service animals.
Such an animal is permitted in the library if it is an integral part of a library-sponsored event and if it is accompanied by a trained handler at all times. Outside groups holding events in the meeting rooms may not bring animals into the building unless the library agrees to formally co-sponsor their program.
Conflicting Disabilities
The library is aware that some other patrons may have a condition or disability that precipitates an allergic reaction to animals. Persons who have asthma/allergy/medical issues and are directly impacted by the presence of a service animal in the library are directed to speak with the Director. While service dogs cannot be banned solely on the possibility of an allergic reaction, the library will strive to consider the needs of all patrons in order to come to an efficient and effective resolution.
Grievance Procedures
A patron who is dissatisfied with a decision of library staff concerning a service animal should first discuss the concern with the library Director. If the matter is not resolved through this discussion, the patron may take the grievance to the Board of Trustees.
Adopted February 12th, 2025
In an effort to provide a library environment that allows patrons of all ages to use the David & Joyce Milne Public Library and its collections and services in a safe and responsible manner, the Board of Trustees of the David and Joyce Milne Public Library has adopted a policy statement concerning unattended children.
The safety of children left alone in a library building is a serious concern. Librarians, staff, and volunteers are not responsible for children who are unattended or unaccompanied. Children under the age of 10 must be under direct supervision of a caregiver at all times while using the library. Children under the age of 10 may not be left unaccompanied in the library.
Should it be determined that a child has been left at the library without a ride or means of transportation at closing time, an attempt will be made to contact an adult caregiver. Staff are not permitted to remain after hours for an extended time with an unattended child nor give him/her a ride. If an adult or family member cannot be reached, the Williamstown Police will be called to escort the child home or keep the child until parents can be reached. The staff member will remain with the child until the police have arrived. The Library Director will be informed whenever this action becomes necessary. The Director will contact the child’s parent or guardian to explain the library policy and why the action was required.
Remember, library doors are locked 10 minutes before the building is emptied, which is reflected in the hours noted below:
Monday: 10:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Tuesday: 10:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Wednesday: 10:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Thursday: 10:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Friday: 10:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Saturday: 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Adopted September 9, 2020-