This April, in celebration of National Poetry Month, we will be creating "guessing" haiku poetry about an animal or a place in nature. Let's see if our readers can guess who or what your poem is about! There will be a prize drawing for kids, teens and adults. Please drop off your poem in person at Milne Public Library or email your Haiku poem to and include the following...
Full name (please tell me if I can use your name on our poetry wall or if you wish to remain anonymous!)
Best contact details for our prize drawings
Haiku poem
Name of the animal or place in nature that your poem describes

What is a Haiku Poem?
A Haiku Poem is a Japanese poem made up of 17 syllables (the beats that make up a word). Click HERE for a kid friendly video about syllables. Haiku poems use three lines to draw an image of a moment in nature. Haiku poems do not have rhyme!
Line one: 5 syllables
Line two: 7 syllables
Line three: 5 syllables
Here is an example of a more traditional haiku:
An old silent pond...
A frog jumps into the pond,
splash! Silence again.
- Matsuo Bashō
Here is an example of Guessing Haiku for kids!

And one for adults...

We hope to see your Haiku on our Poetry wall!