Nuestra inscripción al Programa de Lectura de Verano 2024 comienza el Lunes 17 de Junio. Para niños, adolescentes, y adultos!
Los niños y adolescentes pueden pasar por la Sala de Niños para recoger su registro de lectura y ver nuestro muro de premios. Es fácil ganar boletos para la rifa durante todo el verano. Gana boletos para la rifa leyendo libros (los audiolibros cuentan), escribiendo una historia o cómic, asistiendo a un evento en la biblioteca.
Haga clic aquí para ver nuestro calendario de eventos de verano. Todos nuestros eventos son gratis.
Nuestra Fiesta de Inicio será el Sábado 29 de Junio con golosinas (palomitas y helado!), juegos y manualidades. Únase a nosotros durante todo el verano.
¡Gracias a los Amigos de la Biblioteca Pública de Milne por patrocinar los programas de verano!
Our Summer Reading Program for 2024 for Adults, Teens and Children has begun! All ages can stop by the Milne Public Library and pick up their reading log.
Kids and Teens...once you have a reading log, mark off a spot for every day you read (or are read to). Every five spots will be one raffle ticket. BUT! You can also earn tickets by attending events -- we have Storytimes, movies, workshops, and even a concert by Carrie Ferguson and the Grumpytime Band. A full calendar is available at the circulation desks, and on the Events page of this website.
Our very first event is a Summer Reading Kick-Off Party on the front lawn (we'll move inside if it rains) where you can play lawn games like Giant Jenga and Connect Four, use our big bubble wands to make a Bubble Zone, or make a flower crown at the craft table. We'll also have free ice cream from Mr. Ding-A-Ling from noon until 2, and a popcorn machine and drinks besides. We hope you can join us, all summer long!
Thank you to the Friends of Milne Public Library for sponsoring our Summer Reading program!
